Foie gras d’oie

Dordogne Domaine de Barbe
  • Aperçu 22,6079,10

    Bloc de foie gras d’oie mi-cuit

    Goose foie grasView product

    Bloc de foie gras d’oie mi-cuit

    Goose foie gras

    60% morceaux mi-cuit

    Assembly of foie gras fully trimmed and de-veined, cut into pieces, bound up by a liver paste, giving a bloc with a regular flavor and very little fat.


    Storage: 10 months in a refrigerator (+2°C / +4° C)

    Composition: 98% goose foie gras, salt, pepper, Armagnac

    Storage: 10 months in a refrigerator (+2°C / +4° C)

    Open  the jar 1/2h before tasting. Serve it fresh and not chilled.

  • Aperçu 21,0029,10

    Bloc de foie gras d’oie reconstitué

    Bloc of Goose Foie GrasView product

    Bloc of Goose Foie Gras

    Bloc of Goose Foie Gras

    100% goose foie gras knead by mechanicals means.

    Storage: 4 years in a dry and cool place

    Composition: 98% emulsified foie gras, water, salt, pepper.

    Storage: 4 years in a dry and cool place

    Ideal for aperitif toasts

  • Aperçu 14,4077,70

    Bloc de foie gras d’oie

    Goose foie grasView product

    Goose foie gras

    60% de morceaux stérilisé


    Assembly of foie gras fully trimmed and de-veined, cut into pieces, bound up by a liver paste, giving a bloc with a regular flavor and very little fat.

    Improve with age.

    Storage: 4 years in a dry and cool place

    Composition: 98% goose foie gras, salt, pepper, Armagnac.

    Storage: 4 years in a dry and cool place

    Open 1/2h before tasting. Serve it fresh and not chilled.

    Our advice: enjoy your first mouthful without bread to develop all its qualities.

  • Aperçu 42,5055,00

    Foie gras d’oie entier stérilisé

    Goose foie grasView product

    Goose foie gras

    Foie gras entier stérilisé

    Part or whole liver lobes trimmed and de-veined, prepared like in the old days. IRREGULAR FLAVOR.

    Storage: 4 years in a dry and cool place.

    Composition: 98% foie gras, salt, pepper

    Let it ages as a fine wine.

    Storage: 4 years in a dry and cool place.

    Open 1/2h before tasting. Serve fresh and not chilled.

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